Corporations, General Partnerships, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP’s) and Limited Liability Companies (LLC’s)
For new businesses, our NY Business Lawyer helps our clients select the type of legal entity for their business. We can consult with the client’s accountant, in order to enable the client to determine which type of legal entity type best suits the client’s financial and tax plan for the business.
Our experienced NY Business Lawyer will make sure that your business is properly formed in conformity with New York law. Many lawyers form a new business but neglect to draft all the legal documents that are appropriate for the type of business. If you are looking to select a NY Business Lawyer, we recommend that you ask whether all of the following documents will be completed by the NY Business Lawyer you select. Some of the documents that our NY Business lawyer will prepare for our clients are listed below:
Corporations (C-Corps & S-Corps)
•Certificate of Incorporation with New York Secretary of State’s filing receipt
•Corporate Minutes
•Corporate By-laws
•Stock Certificates
•Shareholders’ Agreement (Although this is not a legal requirement for New York corporations, we strongly recommend that corporations with more than one shareholder have a carefully drafted Shareholders’ Agreement)
Limited Liability Companies
•Articles of Organization with New York Secretary of State’s filing receipt
•LLC Minutes
•Certificates of Units of Membership Interest in the LLC
•LLC Operating Agreement (Although a standard form LLC Operating Agreement may be used for New York limited liability companies, we strongly recommend that NY LLC’s with more than one unit owner have a carefully drafted customized LLC Operating Agreement)
•Partnership Certificates
•Partnership Agreement (Although this is not a legal requirement for New York Partnerships , we strongly recommend that all partnerships have a carefully drafted Partnership Agreement)
Sole Proprietorships
•Certificate of Doing Business Under an Assumed Name (d/b/a)
Non-profit Corporations
Please see our Non-profit Corporations page for information about the legal services we provide for New York Non-profit Corporations.
Various Other Legal Services for New York Businesses
We represent New York Corporations, General Partnerships, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP’s) and Limited Liability Companies (LLC’s) in a variety of New York business and corporate legal matters, including:
•Drafting and Negotiating Business Contracts
•Employment Agreements
•Independent Contractor Agreements
•Confidentiality Agreements (Non-Disclosure Agreements)
•Non-competition and Non-solicitation Agreements
•Commercial Lease Agreements
•Purchase of a Building
•Joint Venture Agreements
•Purchase or Sale of a Business
•Mergers and Acquisitions
•Contract Disputes
•Commercial Arbitration or Commercial Mediation of Disputes
•Commercial Litigation
•Commercial Collection
•Dissolution and Liquidation of a Business
Discuss Your Contract, Transaction, or Commercial Litigation with Our NY Business Lawyer
To have your case or legal matter reviewed, we invite you to complete our Questionnaire, or click Contact Us to send an email. You may also call Michael W. Goldstein to discuss your NY business law matter by telephone, or to schedule a consultation with our experienced NY Business Lawyer at our office.
General Disclaimer
The information contained in this website is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor to create an attorney-client relationship or lawyer-client relationship. We recommend that you discuss your legal matter or case with a NY Business Lawyer promptly.
Visiting our website, submitting any information via questionnaire or email, or discussing your case with us does not create an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship with our NY Business Lawyer can only be established with the signing of a written retainer agreement prepared by our law firm.
Prior results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future case or legal matter.
This website is not intended to solicit clients for corporate law, business law, commercial law, commercial litigation, contracts, or any other legal matter outside of New York State. However, we do represent clients who live outside of New York State, and are engaged in a New York State commercial transaction, or New York commercial litigation, or who need legal services for other legal matters that involve New York law, or a dispute that is or may be litigated in the courts of New York State, or disputes that may be arbitrated or mediated in a New York State Alternative Dispute Resolution forum.
NY Business Lawyer Disclaimer
Our NY Business Lawyer website contains general information regarding New York Corporations, General Partnerships, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP’s), Limited Liability Companies (LLC’s), contracts and commercial law. The information in this website involving New York business law, contract law, commercial transactions, joint venture agreements, employment contracts, independent contractor agreements, and other commercial agreements, NY business law, NY contract law, NY commercial law, and New York commercial litigation, or other New York legal information contained in this website is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor to create an attorney-client relationship or lawyer-client relationship. We recommend that you discuss your business law, commercial law, or other legal matter with a NY business lawyer or New York commercial attorney promptly.
Law Offices of Michael W. Goldstein is a New York commercial transactions and business law firm, New York commercial lawyer and NY Business Lawyer, representing Corporations, General Partnerships, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP’s), and Limited Liability Companies (LLC’s) in contract negotiation, business transactions and commercial litigation. Our NY Business Lawyer represent clients in New York contracts, NY business transactions, New York commercial litigation, and all other legal matters affecting businesses throughout New York State, including New York City, Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Long Island, Nassau County, Suffolk County, Westchester County, Rockland County and upstate New York.
Law Offices of Michael W. Goldstein
NY Business Lawyer
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